Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Where there's a county fair every Fall...

There's just something about the fair that makes my heart smile. The smell of a fresh funnel cake; the sound of kids laughing and screaming on the rides; running into old friends you haven't seen in forever; and realizing that no matter how much the world changes, or even how much you change, the fair never really does.
Walking around the VFW Fairgrounds at Ft. Payne tonight, I found myself remembering all those autumns when I was a kid. I couldn't wait for fair week! Mama always let me eat too much cotton candy, Daddy always won me a goldfish, and my "brother" Adam and I always managed to charm our way into the front seat of the dragon mini-coaster. Man, those were the days!
Now, you'll find me carrying around a camera instead of a goldfish ;). I decided to try out my new Sigma prime lens tonight and I LOVE it!! Here are some of my favorite shots. Hope ya'll enjoy your funnel cakes! :)