Thursday, August 26, 2010

He raised me on Chevy, but Daddy was raised on a Ford.

A couple of weeks ago, I was telling a friend how I wished I had gotten the chance to take some shots of my grandpa's old pick up before my dad got rid of it. The 1964 Ford sat in our shop for years when I was a kid. I had laughed at the twinkle in my dad's eyes as he told me about getting to drive it to school when he got his license. At the time, I didn't really get it. The old truck was just a rusting hunk of metal at the time, getting in my way as I tried to air up the tires on my bike. It wasn't until years later, after the truck had long gone, that I understood the twinkle.
So this morning when Daddy called and asked me to come take some pictures of grandpa's old Ford before it was gone again, I was out the door without a second thought. It's certainly changed a lot since I last saw it, but Daddy's twinkle is just the same.
You've seen my photographs of others' family heritage, now here's a look at a piece of my own. My Grandpa Sparks' 1964 Ford, restored to it's original glory.

For once, I even handed the camera off and jumped in a few shots myself.

This is one of my most favorite shots I've ever taken of my dad. Perhaps because it's Dad just being Dad, greasy work hat and all :).

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