Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Making Changes and Exciting Plans

     As the end of 2013 gets closer, I look back and think about what a whirlwind it's been. Imagination Photography has grown so much this year. We've opened a studio, met tons of amazing new clients, and learned so many new things. But (as always) there is still so much room for improvement.
     I have so many exciting new ideas an concepts for sessions, special events, Limited Editions, things at the studio, and unique experiences that I am just itching to share with all of you! I had hoped to put many of these plans into action this year. Unfortunately, things kept getting in the way.
     By the end of the year, I will have photographed 17 weddings in 2013. That equates to roughly 85 hours of shooting time and 1400 hours of editing, not to mention the immeasurable amounts of stress, headaches, backaches, and missed moments with my family that also factor in. In setting my goals for 2014, I've realized that in order to accomplish the things most near and dear to my heart, the things that I am most passionate about, something has to change.
     Although I am VERY honored any time a bride and groom ask me to capture their big day, I am first and foremost a portrait photographer. I am most passionate about my regular, everyday sessions. When I have a great session with a family, or a senior, or a couple, or especially kids, I don't touch ground for a while. I am elated, inspired, and just giggly-crazy HAPPY. It's a feeling that is unlike anything else. That feeling is what I work for, and I want to get back to focusing more on that passion. I want to be a better photographer, and I am not doing that by stretching myself as thin as I have this year.
     So to become better at what I do, and to live a happier, less stressful life, I will be limiting the number of weddings I photograph each year. As of right now, I have already booked several weddings for 2014, and do not plan to book any more. But I would absolutely LOVE to schedule more engagement and bridal sessions with brides and grooms-to-be!
     I hope you all understand this decision, and know that it means great and wonderful things are coming to IP in the future. There is so much that I am so excited about, and I can't wait to share it with all of you. YOU beautiful people are the only reason I am allowed to do what I love, and for that I could never thank you enough.
     I'd like to leave you with a quote from my creative role model, Walt Disney. I have it printed on a standout in my office, on the wall in front of my desk so I can see it everyday.

"We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things...Curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

Let's open some new doors, shall we? :)

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