Friday, December 18, 2015

2016 Policy Update

     Hello my loves! As 2015 draws to a close, I just wanted to brief you guys on the new policy updates coming to IP in 2016. None of these changes have anything to do with pricing, but rather with things like session cancellations and mini sessions. 

     There are no pricing changes for 2016.

Mini Sessions
     A deposit will be required for all mini session events in 2016. This deposit is non-refundable, but can be used as a credit or transferred to another event if for some reason you are not able to make your session. When booking a spot for a mini session, your time is not secured until your deposit is received. If your deposit is not received by the stated deadline date, then your spot will be made available to someone else. Deposits can me mailed or dropped off at the studio. 
No-Show Policy
     I totally understand that things come up, sometimes at the last minute. The kids get sick, the car breaks down, an unexpected bill finds its way onto your doorstep...If you need to cancel or reschedule your session for ANY reason, it's absolutely no problem. All I ask is that you please be courteous of my time and let me know that you will be unable to make it. Even if it's just an hour before your scheduled time, just please shoot me an email or Facebook message, leave me a voicemail, or anything to let me know. There is no cancellation fee as long as the client lets me know they will not be coming to the session. However, if a client does not show up to their session and doesn't notify me ahead of time, a deposit of $40 will be required before any future bookings will be accepted.

     I want to thank you all so much for your support in 2015. Imagination Photography saw an amazing explosion of growth this year! Our calendar has been filling up as far as 3 months in advance and I'm still in shock. We've made lots of changes throughout the year, introduced some new and unique opportunities (Storybook Sessions!! I'm still so over the moon about getting those started!), and I'm excited to see where these new adventures lead.
     I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, and I'll see you in 2016!



  1. Thank you for taking the time to write this article! Wish you a very Merry Christmas too! Clipping path

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  3. It's great to hear that there won't be any pricing changes for 2016! Providing your clients with transparency and clarity regarding policy updates is essential for maintaining positive relationships and ensuring a smooth experience for everyone involved. By communicating these changes in advance, you're demonstrating professionalism and a commitment to excellent customer service. Wishing you continued success in the coming year!. Here I am to represent my company Clipping Path House Graphics Media is one of the best photo editing service provider outsourcing company, provides clipping path service, Image masking service, Ghost mannequin effect service, photo retouching service and all kinds of image clipping path services at a cheap rate.
