Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Scheduling changes beginning Aug. 1, 2014

     As those of you who follow our Facebook page know, my husband and I are expecting our first child this summer. We are so excited to be welcoming our son into the world! Because we will not be using a daycare, I will be having to make a few changes to session scheduling.
     I will be on maternity leave from the end of June through the entire month of July. I will return to work at the beginning of August, which is when this new scheduling will go into effect. Until now, I have been fairly free to do sessions any day during the week (except Sundays). Having another life to care for will take up MUCH more of my time. I will now have to work around others' work schedules, so that I will be able to focus solely on my clients during a session. You deserve nothing less than my best attention, and that will be very hard to give with a screaming baby nearby (not to mention hurting your ears lol). From now on, I will only be able to do sessions four days per week.  This will also allow me to concentrate on editing during the days that I will not be shooting, which means you will receive your images that much sooner!
This new schedule will be as follows:

Monday - Unavailable for sessions (editing day)
Tuesday - Afternoon sessions only
Wednesday - Afternoon sessions only
Thursday - Unavailable for sessions (editing day)
Friday - Afternoon sessions only
Saturday - Available for sessions all day
Sunday - Unavailable for sessions

     As the baby gets older, I will be able to open up more shooting times for the morning. But for the remainder of 2014 at least, I will only be able to do morning sessions on Saturdays. Thank you all so much for understanding why these changes need to be made. I love and adore each and every one of my clients, and will do my best to work with you to find a date that works for both of us. I really believe that this new scheduling will improve my workflow tremendously. This means you will receive your images and orders more quickly, which is awesome, right?
     As of right now, I am currently booked up for May and June. The next available dates are in early August. Saturdays are booking extremely quickly, as always. If you absolutely need a Saturday, it's best to get with me two or three months beforehand, as those tend to book up far in advance.
     Again, thank you so much for your wonderful support! I can't wait to share with you all the great things we have planned for the second half of 2014!

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